If you're reading this then hopefully you are looking for a way to take control of your own finances by completing some form of financial education program. Perhaps you have sacked your financial adviser because he's done such a crap job over the last couple of years and you reckon you can do a better job. Or maybe you're just starting off and have decided to take responsibility for your financial future at an early stage.
If so, congratulations! The path to true wealth and prosperity lies in understanding your own finances and taking control of them. The path to failure is letting others, like financial advisers, family or friends, take control of your future by managing your investments or telling you what you should be doing. Worse still, is trying to do it on your own without understanding where you are going.
To benefit from the ability to control your own finances you need initial and ongoing financial education and that is best achieved through a properly structured financial education program. It's like learning to play golf. If you have never played before, then the best way to learn is to seek a professional who will show you how to achieve that low handicap through a perfect swing. Your ongoing performance on the golf course also relies on your ongoing practice and continued support from the golf pro or other professional sources. We all know what sort of golfer a person is likely to be who has never taken a golf lesson and relies on advice from their mates when things go from bad to worse with the swing.
If so, congratulations! The path to true wealth and prosperity lies in understanding your own finances and taking control of them. The path to failure is letting others, like financial advisers, family or friends, take control of your future by managing your investments or telling you what you should be doing. Worse still, is trying to do it on your own without understanding where you are going.
To benefit from the ability to control your own finances you need initial and ongoing financial education and that is best achieved through a properly structured financial education program. It's like learning to play golf. If you have never played before, then the best way to learn is to seek a professional who will show you how to achieve that low handicap through a perfect swing. Your ongoing performance on the golf course also relies on your ongoing practice and continued support from the golf pro or other professional sources. We all know what sort of golfer a person is likely to be who has never taken a golf lesson and relies on advice from their mates when things go from bad to worse with the swing.